Rabu, 30 November 2016

When Lose Weight, Do not compete against Fat - Ko

When Lose Weight, Do not compete against Fat - Ko

 If during fatty foods is the main enemy for anyone trying to cut weight, but which proved to a new study just the opposite. The study in JAMA says, eat more fat in the low-carb diet is the best way to prevent chronic diseases such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.
David Ludwig, director of the Obesity Prevention Center at Boston Children's Hospital to increase the number of nutrition experts who dispel the notion that when you lose weight we need to reduce fat intake and be careful counting latest kalori.Pendapat intake in preventing obesity mention, weight gain is actually triggered by a diet high in carbohydrates because it will cause blood sugar to rise. As a result, the hormone insulin to work hard throughout the body.
"" Intuitively, we know the weight will not be reduced to simply eat less and exercise more. Only a small percentage of people who can lose weight by doing the suggestion that, ' "he said.
Nina Teicholz journalist and author of The Big Fat Surprise said, in general fat, especially saturated fat is often blamed as the cause of heart disease, obesity, and cancer. In fact, saturated fats are not bad for the health.
"" But if done carefully, a diet high in fat and low in karbohidratlah best way to fight obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, "" he said.
According to Jonathan Bailor, author of The Calorie Myth, from now people need to stop thinking about the quantity of calories and look at the quality of the food. Calories is not just calories. Using calories as eating guide as well as use the height to measure intelligence.
Ludwig said the obesity epidemic in the world is the result of the selection of the wrong foods. "" We have to forget the low-fat paradigm. Some foods with high fat content such as avocados, nuts, and olive oil is the healthiest foods that should be eaten, ' "he said.
Furthermore, Ludwig explains, overeating should be seen as a manifestation of obesity, not the root cause.

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Senin, 07 November 2016

Improved Pregnancy Ideal Weight - Kompas.co

Improved Pregnancy Ideal Weight - Kompas.co

 Increased body weight (BW) occurs naturally in pregnant women. However, not all mothers know weight gain is considered healthy. Though the increase is too large is not good for the health of the mother.

"" BB is increased during pregnancy influenced fetal weight, moisture content, and fat deposits. Increasing healthy BB only consist of the fetus and water, no fat. If BB increase is too high, then the fat content in the body of a great mother, ' "said gynecologist and obstetrics, Ridwan, in a parenting class New Parent Academy (NPA) in Jakarta, Sunday (09/03/2014). NPA parenting classes take place every Sunday until March 30, 2014.

In addition to damage the health of the mother, a pile of excessive fat is also difficult mother back into shape after giving birth. Therefore, mothers need to be aware of an increase in BB while pregnant with the guidelines quoted Institite of Medicine, Weight Gain During Pregnancy:

1. Underweight
Mothers with underweight condition has a body mass index of less than 18.5. Increased BB underweight mothers during pregnancy ranged from 12.7 to 18.2 kilograms.
2. Normal
Category indicates normal body mass index ranges from 19 to 24.9. Pregnant women with a normal body mass index should have a weight increase of between 11.4 to 15.9 kilograms.

3. Overweight
Women who have excessive fat content has a body mass index of 25 to 29.9. These conditions only allow an increase of 6.8 to 11.4 kilograms BB during pregnancy.
4. Obesity
Expectant mothers with obesity usually have a body mass index greater than 30. Just as the condition of overweight, obese pregnant women with the condition should not rise too much weight. Increased allowable only by 6.8 kilograms.
Increased BB as from the beginning to the end of pregnancy. As for body mass index (BMI) was calculated prior to becoming pregnant, according to the formula weight (kg) divided by height (meters) squared or BMI = weight / (TBxTB).

BB monitoring during pregnancy should be done every day, also during regular consultation with your obstetrician / midwife. Mothers who are obese should lose weight before pregnancy to achieve a more healthy condition.

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Minggu, 30 Oktober 2016

Awas, Steroid Mengakibatkan kerusakan Ginjal!


Awas, Steroid Mengakibatkan kerusakan Ginjal!

Pil anabolic steroid memanglah efisien membuat otot serta tingkatkan stamina, tetapi terakhir di ketahui ada kelainan yang muncul. Salah nya ialah mengakibatkan kerusakan ginjal. Temuan ini dipresentasikan dalam pertemuan tahunan American Society of Nephrology serta Scientific Exposition di San Diego, Amerika Serikat. Steorid biasanya digunakan beberapa atlet profesional. Beberapa laporan mengatakan pemakaian obat ini menyebabkan ketergantungan. Beberapa pakar medis juga mengingatkan bahaya dari obat ini, walau terlebih dulu tak di ketahui efeknya pada ginjal. Dalam riset yang dikerjakanLeal Herlitz, MD dari Columbia University Medical Centre, beberapa pakar mempelajari 10 grup atlet binaragawan yang memakai steorid sepanjang bertahun-tahun. Di ketahui kalau beberapa pemakai steorid ini alami kebocoran protein di urinnya serta menanggung derita penurunan manfaat ginjal. Berdasar pada tes ginjal, sembilan dari 10 binaragawan itu menanggung derita keadaan yang dimaksud focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, type luka parut di ginjal. Penyakit ini umumnya muncul apabila ginjal bekerja sangat keras. Sesudah beberapa binaragawan itu hentikan penggunaan steorid, mulai tampak ada perbaikan ginjal. Menurut beberapa peneliti, pembentukan otot bikin manfaat ginjal sebagai filter bertambah mencolok serta menyebabkan rusaknya. Diluar itu steorid di ketahui mempunyai dampak toksik untuk ginjal.

Selasa, 25 Oktober 2016

Tehnik Menurunkan Berat Tubuh dengan Jalan Pagi


Tehnik Menurunkan Berat Tubuh dengan Jalan Pagi


Jakarta, Jalan kaki pada pagi hari yaitu langkah simpel untuk bikin badan tetaplah bugar. Terkecuali bikin badan fresh selama seharian, jalan pada pagi hari dapat juga menolong Anda menurunkan berat tubuh. Bagaimana langkahnya? Saat tidur, metabolisme badan melambat seutuhnya. Jalan pagi yaitu langkah paling baik untuk mengawali tingkatkan metabolisme. Banyak riset sudah menunjukkan kalau orang yang punya kebiasaan jalan pada pagi hari mempunyai tingkat metabolisme yang tambah baik dari pada orang yg tidak jalan sekalipun. Tersebut langkah jadikan jalan kaki sebegai satu diantara usaha untuk menurunkan berat tubuh, seperti ditulis Livestrong, Kamis (7/9/2011) : Langkah 1Makan sarapan bergizi atau makanan kecil sebelumnya jalan, seperti yogurt dengan kenari atau segenggam biskuit rendah lemak dengan selai kacang, menurut referensi Mayoclinic. com. Keseimbangan protein serta karbohidrat bakal jadi bahan bakar yang menolong menghindar cedera serta melakukan perbaikan stamina. Langkah 2Pada step awal, coba jalan sepanjang 30 menit dalam 3 hari dalam satu minggu. Langkah 3Tetap konsumsi makanan dengan gizi seimbang seperti biji-bijian, buah fresh serta sayuran serta protein tanpa ada lemak untuk setiap saat makan. Konsumsi makanan dengan kalori lebih sedikit serta memadukan latihan jalan bakal dengan cepat menurunkan berat tubuh Anda. Langkah 4Tambahkan interval kecepatan jalan atau mungkin dengan sedikit lari supaya badan jadi lebih kuat. Bila Anda mempunyai semakin banyak saat, berikan interval saat jalan kaki pada pagi supaya membakar semakin banyak kalori serta memberi latihan ekstra untuk otot. Langkah 5Cobalah jalan dengan ambil langkah besar ke depan dengan kaki serta lutut kaki kanan sedikit ditekuk. Pegang pantat lantas ambillah langkah besar dengan kaki kiri, ayunkan rendah ke tanah. Tekuk lengan serta kepalkan tangan lalu ayunkan lengan waktu kaki bergerak. Teruskan 1 menit, jagalah ke-2 lutut serta siku tetaplah ditekuk. (mer/ir)