Minggu, 08 April 2018

Study: Drinking Coffee More Not Frequently Affected by Type 2 Diabetes

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Study: Drinking Coffee More Not Frequently Affected by Type 2 Diabetes


Jakarta, Good news for coffee admirers, a study linking coffee drink routines with diabetes risk. A person who often drank coffee had a 50% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Some scientists believe that this benefit comes from the anti-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory effects present in coffee. Some previous studies have indeed shown there is a tangle to coffee with a shrinking risk of diabetes. The study of this opportunity is more specifically open the trigger, and compare it with the population who do not drink coffee. Read also: This is the argument of the desire to come out after drinking coffee The study done on th. 2001 and 2002 involved 1. 300 men and women aged 18 years. up in Athens. Participants were classified as casual drinkers when consumption was less than 1, 5 cups / day and became habitual drinker when consumption was more than 1, 5 cups / day. Some participants were seen until 10 years. then. From the assessment, 191 people were diabetic with 13% of male participants and 12% female participants. Diliat from the routine of drinking coffee, diabetes risk is higher in participants who do not often drink coffee. Serum amyloid levels are believed to explain the effect. Taken from Foxnews on Wednesday (7/22/2015), this compound is a marker of inflammation that is found in the blood. In coffee drinkers, it was found that the serum amyloid level was lower. Also read: Two Cups One day, Coffee Can Easily Avoid Erectile Dysfunction Lho (up / up)